Friday, March 27, 2009

Our Blog named to “The Top 50 Pharmaceutical News and Research Blogs”

We generally don't believe in self promotion of our blog, but were recently humbled to be named as one of “The Top 50 Pharmaceutical News and Research Blogs” by “The Pharm Tech Blog” ( ). It is indeed gratifying to be recognized as #9 in this category and to appear with some very well respected other blogs.

We suggest you take a look at their blog which takes the following perspective:

“The Pharm Tech Blog aims to enlighten readers to important information and resources related to medicine, health, and the pharmaceutical industry, from the perspective of a pharmacy technician. This blog serves as an open forum for the exchange of ideas, resources and information related to health, health care and medicine, so feel free to contact us with feedback, article submissions and ideas.”

We also thank them very much for the recognition and pledge to continue our efforts at putting together our independent view of this industry. Thanks go to our chief writer Guy de Lastin for his tireless efforts.